
Hidden Figures

The movie was interesting, this was the first time I heard about it. The plot is simple, but interesting. The movie remind me to one of the articles we’ve previously read, about the software development to reach the moon. It was interesting to know a little bit more about the process that the NASA took to archive this. Notwithstanding that the movie plot doesn’t focused on something closely related to the software development or architecture (even if there’s some exploration about an IBM mainframe) , I think the important thing  is to reflex about  the difficult process that some projects need to get through. In this case, the project needed to analyze and take decisions as soon as possible, because the data became obsolete really fast. Also the data that needed to be reviewed was a lot, and in that time it was really hard due to the low processing power of the computers. In other hand, the movie talks about an important topic of our era, the racism. It’s wonderful to see...

Ethical Reflection on Ready Player One

Morrow wrote in his autobiography that he’d left GSS because ... he felt that the OASIS had evolved into something horrible. “It had become a self-imposed prison for humanity,” he wrote. “A pleasant place for the world to hide from its problems while human civilization slowly collapses, primarily due to neglect.” (p. 120) (Halliday speaking) “I created the OASIS because I never felt at home in the real world. I didn’t know how to connect with people there. I was afraid, for all of my life. Right up until I knew it was ending. That was when I realized, as terrifying and painful as reality can be, it’s also the only place where you can find true happiness. Because reality is real.” (p. 364) Do you agree with the two previous quotations? Yes, through the whole book, the characters talk about how they use OASIS to get through the difficulties or inconformities of their lifes. Wade openly discuss how he does not enjoy his life, he thinks it's horrible and he finds preferibl...

An Introduction to Metaprogramming

As we advance through the topics of the programming courses, we are introduced to new and weird concepts, in this article we talk about "metaprogramming" something that produces new programs or parts of them, this with the help of programming "metaprograms". This is complicated to be described, the professor says that this could be only suitable for the "programming gurus" but not. This in certain kind of way describes the difficulty of the topic. As I remember, at some of my classes, we learn something about metaprogramming, well, at least the word sounds familiar The example was interesting, because it was simple and was enough to explain how the metaprogramming work in a simple situation. The explanation about eval and quines was useful, the definition about quines is new, the author defines it as a "special kind of source code generator". In other hand, the jargon defines the quines as "a program that generates a copy of its own so...


The reading starts explaining the definition of "microservices", and as I understood the Microservices architecture is similar to the modular architecture. Let me explain, the author's describes that microservices architecture is a set of independently deployable services, this sounds like the "partion of funcionality inside modules". The author continues explaining why this approach is being more used nowadays and the advantages of this model against the monolothic one.  Later on, the article talks about how the developers are trying to build systems the same way we craft things in the real world, plugging together components (little parts that are there to perform some functionality and that together will conform a new thing). An interesting addition to this definition is that a component is a piece that can be "upgraded and replaced". Something interesting is that this architecture as I understand is designed to be implemented in cloud-based ap...

The 4+1 View Model

The topics of the two videos are related with the article topic. Starting with the 4+1 video, I think this video information is like the topics of my class of software quality and tests. I’ve worked with some of the mentioned diagrams in the video. The new “scope” is the view encapsulation according to the different type of information that the diagram represents. But it makes sense to divide the diagrams with these criteria, because maybe the needed information may be different for whom is requesting it. And this scope will reduce and define properly the work to produce and deliver the diagrams. In other hand, the other video is a metaphor of the problem that is to design or select a paradigm to develop something, specially when the work is handled by a group. This is a result of the different approaches that each developer takes when defining or implementing requisites, each’s mind works and abstract the information differently. In this case the metaphor uses an elephant as the ...

Understanding the SOLID Principles

The article is about the “SOLID principles”, which are five important principles of object-oriented programming and design and which recurring theme is the dependency’s avoidance, these are: Single Responsibility Principle: this statement says that a class should have just one responsibility, and that it might be just changed if there’s exactly one reason Open/Closed Principle: here we talk about that a class or function should be open for extension but closed for modification Liskov Substitution Principle: ability to work with a child class inside a function that is expecting the base class Interface Segregation Principle: avoid writing giant interfaces that classes may not need or want Dependency Inversion Principle: instead of writing code that refers to actual classes, better write code that refers to interfaces or abstract classes These practices are interesting as the refactoring or pattern practices, the reason makes sense after you read the description ...


The movie is funny and attractive, at the beginning I was not expecting anything from the film, in fact I though the subject was going to be different from what I imagined when I read the reference in Ready Player One. The plot is amazing but dumb, maybe it was true, I do not know but the going of a kid being able to hack a super sophisticated army computer and initialize the World War 3 prelude is as I said amazing but realy dumb. In other hand the other part of the movie, the militars and scientists from the base are again, dumb, the lack of mechanisms and plans to aboard a situation like the one presented in the movie is surpressingly worrying, the whole movie is supported with this premise, the lack of capacity of the staff of the base to deal with the idea of ​​someone being capable to hack their super sophistifies device so easily and their incapacity to detect and stop the computer malfunctioning As an engineering I think the movie touch important subjects of our area, ...