The 4+1 View Model
The topics of the two videos are related with the article topic. Starting with the 4+1 video, I think this video information is like the topics of my class of software quality and tests. I’ve worked with some of the mentioned diagrams in the video. The new “scope” is the view encapsulation according to the different type of information that the diagram represents. But it makes sense to divide the diagrams with these criteria, because maybe the needed information may be different for whom is requesting it. And this scope will reduce and define properly the work to produce and deliver the diagrams.
In other hand, the other video is a metaphor of the problem that is to design or select a paradigm to develop something, specially when the work is handled by a group. This is a result of the different approaches that each developer takes when defining or implementing requisites, each’s mind works and abstract the information differently. In this case the metaphor uses an elephant as the object that a group of blind people is trying to describe to others (the metaphor is repeated in the reading but with a group of developers).
Finally, the article talks as I said again about the elephant abstraction metaphor, but in this case with a group of developers that are trying to describe it to the other developers. And again, the problem is that each of the developers abstract the elephant in a different way according to their knowledge. At the end everybody has a different understanding of the “object” and no one wants to listen other opinions or try to group the different points of view to build a more accurate model. I think the different opinions are like the 4 views, in a project someone may focus in one of the systems aspects forgetting the other aspects (with the other diagrams cover).
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